Moving to the Edge of the World — A Poetry Trilogy (Paperback)


Moving to the Edge of the World — A Poetry Trilogy

By Alla Renée Bozarth

In Moving to the Edge of the World, the poet explores and celebrates the profound bonds of meaning and emotion that exist among creatures. In Part One, Medicine Bear, she expresses what it means to be in the human role of sacred student, learning from our teachers, the elder species. The cow is Alla’s yoga teacher, the bear, her physician. From them she comes to understand how to be a holy creature, accepting, in the words of her tribute poem to her most admired poet, William Stafford, “the deep settle into sheer being, the deep agreeable sigh into clear seeing—.” Part Two, Burning Bush, invites awe and self-awareness to all human beings, “a surprising species that seems to harness the stars,” and becomes a grace based on the reflection of C.S. Lewis that “every bush is a burning bush.” Part Three, Eaten by Angels, becomes a hymn to the mysterious interdependence among all creatures and creators in their life-and-death communion, focusing on the relationship of our experience on this “preciously edible planet” with our inklings of everything beyond. Finally, “We are beings at the edge of the world. The world is on the edge of night. We are called without exception to learn more deeply to love each other.”

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